After spending one night in Quang Ngai we decided to (actually it was the only way to leave), to take a train to Nha Trang. We booked the tickets the previous afternoon and being the pro travellers that we are, decided to purchase 3rd class.
On arrival at the train station the train was 1 hour late. After a frustrating delay in the sun we struggled onto the train to find our seats, no more than a tiny park bench for the two of us to share. Mess decided to embrace the whole situation and purchase one of everything from the food and drinks trolleys that came past every 10 minutes. (see first photo)
After staring at us inquisitively for 2 hours a small Vietnamese child decided that he wanted to befriend us. After some small ice breakers he seemed completely comfortable with us, and his mother seemed to accept her new free western childcare. He proceeded to steal my camera and take some 'artistic' shots out of the window and of our fellow passages.
The pictures that follow (apart from the first one and the last one) are all a 4 year old Vietnamese child view of a 10 hour train ride through central Vietnam.

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